What’s the objective of this personal web site?

The objective of this blog is to share my experiences on products, mainly used in a DevSecOps chain. I hope it will help some people better understand technical concepts.

Many articles are step by step samples for less experienced people.

In my opinion, being educational and exhaustive is a good way to learn and understand new concepts.

My Motto: “You cannot realize the simplicity or difficulty of a concept unless you have ever tried it of faced it.”

Opinions are my own.

Professional story

I’ll be short here, my whole story is on Linkedin.

I have a technical background and I like technical products. My approach: Learn products throught manipulation to be able to articulate their concepts and values in a simple and didactic way.

I have been working as a Sales Engineer for the last 17 years (yeah, I’m a ‘seasoned SE’ :v: ). The SE role aligns with my technical curiosity and the challenges of explaining and selling the value of the products.

Personal story

Husband, dad, cyclist, Esport fan,… and many more.