less than 1 minute read

Setup a local Docker registry for your development to be used by k8s Docker.


Component Version Note
Docker Desktop 4.31.0 Docker desktop running on my laptop
k8s 1.29.2 Kubernetes in Docker Desktop

Step 1: Start a registry

Start a registry using Docker:

docker run -d --name registry \
    -p 5000:5000 registry:2

The command starts a local registry without HTTPS. That’s intentional for development purpose. But that’s also where you could have issues: k8s from Docker uses HTTPS to retrieve images from the registry.

Step 2: Setup Docker

From k8s in Docker, the registry is available on host.internal.docker:5000 without HTTPS. We have to tell Docker that this registry is unsecure.

Open the file ~/.docker/daemon.json (this path is for mac, check for your OS) and define the registry as unsecure: add this line:

    "insecure-registries": ["host.docker.internal:5000"]    

Restart Docker. Your k8s instance in Docker can now retrieve your images form your local registry.
