4 minute read

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Digital.ai Deploy and its core concepts.
Check my introduction video first if you are not familiar with Digital.ai Deploy.


This article is an introduction to Digital.ai Deploy Templates. Templates are usefull when you do provisioning and dynamically create architecture elements.

In this sample we are going to create an EC2 instance and run a script in this instance to install Ansible.
After the provisioning of the EC2 instance, it has to be declared (as a SshHost item under the Infrastructure hierachy) in Deploy so that Deploy “knows” this new instance. To achieve this we use Templates: templates are specifically designed to dynamically create new CI.

Let’s see in more details.

Step 1: Connection to AWS

For our sample we first need to declare a new AWS connection. Create a new “aws.Cloud” item and check the connection before moving forward.

Create an environment and add your AWS connection to it. I intentionally skip the dictionnary here to focus on Templates.

Step 2: Create a new Application and Deployment package

Create a new Application and add a new Deployment package like below:

Step 3: KeyPair and SecurityGroup

Before creating a new EC2 instance, go to your AWS console and create a new KeyPair. I created a new keypair called "xld-keypair". Then save the pem file in a directory on your Deploy machine, accessible by Deploy ("/tmp/xld-keypair.pem" in my case). This pem file will be used by Deploy to connect to the instance.
Be sure to set the correct permissions on your file:

chmod 600 /tmp/xld-keypair.pem

We could have done something more dynamic (by creating the keypair each time) but let’s first concentrate on Templates concepts.

Add a new SecurityGroup in your deployment package with these properties:

Property Value Note
Name xld-securityGroup  
Security Group Name xld-securityGroup same name as the one in AWS
Region eu-west-3 set your AWS region

Under your security group add a new inboud rules for SSH with these properties:

Property Value
Name InboundRule-SSH
Protocol TCP
Port range 22

Step 4: Add a new EC2 instance

Add a new AWS EC2 instance definition(aws.ec2.InstanceSpec) in your deployment package with these properties:

Property Value Note
Name EC2Host  
Instance Name EC2Host name of the instance in the AWS console
AWS AMI   go to the AWS console and choose an appropriate ami. Be careful that depending of the ami you choose, the user used to connect to your instance may be different than in my sample. I choosed an ubuntu ami.
region eu-west-3 set your region
AWS Security Group xld-securityGroup same as the Security Group Name property of the security group (do not forget to click on the Add button!)
Instance Type t2.micro  
AWS key pair name xld-keypair same name as your keypair in AWS

Step 5: add a new SshHost template

After the provisioning of the EC2 instance, to create a new host in Deploy we need to add a SshHost template and link this template to the instance.
Add a new SshHost template (template.overthere.SshHost) in your deployment package and set these properties:

Property Value Note
Name EC2HostTemplate  
SUDO username root  
Operating System UNIX  
Connection Type SUDO  
Address {{%publicHostname%}} This is a Contextual placeholder. The name of the placeholder is the name of the output property publicHostname of the EC2 host definition.
username ubuntu be careful depends of the AWS ami you choosed
Private Key File /tmp/xld-keypair.pem set the path to the keypair file saved locally on the Deploy machine
Instance Name Demo/EC2AnsibleHostController path and name of the item under the Architecture hierachy

Then go back to the EC2Host definition and add the template in the “Bound Templates” property. This is how we link the template with the EC2 instance definition. It means that after the provisioning of the EC2 instance, a new item of type overthere.SshHost will be created in the Infrastructure directory and the contextual placeholder resolved.

Step 6: add a new provisioner script

Let’s take as a sample that we want to install Ansible on the newly created EC2 instance. The script would be like this:

apt update
apt install --yes software-properties-common
apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
apt install --yes ansible
ansible-playbook --version
echo "-- DONE --"

Save the script in a file “provision_ansible.sh”.

Under the EC2Host definition, add a new provisioner script (script.provisioner.Script). Attach the previous file in the “Choose file” property and set the “Host Template” property to “Applications/Demo/Demo/1.0.0/EC2HostTemplate”

Step 7: Deployment!

We are now ready for deployment: the deployment of the 1.0.0 package provisions a new EC2 instance, run a script to install Ansible and then define a new SshHost item under the infrastructure directory.

Deploy the Demo application in the DemoAWS environment.
If everything goes well, a new instance should be created in the AWS cloud and a new item SshHost created in Deploy.

To delete your EC2 instance, undeploy the application!

We now have a very convenient way to create a new EC2 instance with Ansible installed. This host could then be used in a more complex scenario to play the role of a “Ansible Controller” machine to provision other hosts. Tha application could then be renamed “ansible-controller-app”

Check this repository for a more complex scenario: Sample